Home > United States of America > North Carolina > Sampson County > Clinton > Andrews Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 259
Location : Clinton, Sampson County, USA
Coordinate : 34.9590110, -78.2610550
Description : Andrews Chapel Baptist Church is located at 2541 Reedsford Rd, Clinton NC.

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Andrews Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Andrews Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery is located at 2541 Reedsford Rd Clinton, Sampson County ,North Carolina ,USA.

  • Andrews Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Andrews Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 34.9590110
    Longitude: -78.2610550


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7. Epworth Methodist Church Cemetery
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8. Vann Family Cemetery
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9. John Sampson Cemetery
Clinton, Sampson County, USA
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10. Dudley-House Cemetery
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11. Captain Jonathan Parker Plantation Burial Ground
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12. Beulah Baptist Church
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13. Draughon Family Cemetery
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14. Peterson Family Cemetery
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15. Fryar Family Cemetery
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16. Carter Family Cemetery
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17. Chesnutt-Nicholas Family Cemetery
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18. Grandview Memorial Gardens
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19. Hardy-Cannady Family Cemetery
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20. John S Crumpler Family Cemetery
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21. Hillcrest Memorial Park
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22. Heaven's Gate Memorial Gardens
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23. Ezzell Family Cemetery
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24. Holland Cemetery
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