Memorials : 0
Location : Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate : 52.0223170, 10.3532620

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Friedhof Salzgitter-Hohenrode?

    Friedhof Salzgitter-Hohenrode is located at Stadtkreis Salzgitter ,Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) ,Germany.

  • Friedhof Salzgitter-Hohenrode cemetery's updated grave count on

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Friedhof Salzgitter-Hohenrode?

    Latitude: 52.0223170
    Longitude: 10.3532620


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Alter Kirchhof der Christuskirche in Gitter
Salzgitter, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0362875, 10.3501354

2. Friedhof Gitter
Salzgitter, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0382926, 10.3480952

3. Friedhof Othfresen
Othfresen, Landkreis Goslar, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0094900, 10.3898475

4. Alter Kirchhof der Erlöserkirche
Othfresen, Landkreis Goslar, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0076212, 10.3918837

5. Friedhof Ringelheim
Ringelheim, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0384300, 10.3105008

6. Friedhof Haverlah
Baddeckenstedt, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0518648, 10.3307538

7. Alter Kirchhof St Servatius zu Haverlah
Baddeckenstedt, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0547058, 10.3293134

8. Alter Kirchhof Groß Mahner
Salzgitter-Bad, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0497993, 10.4081636

9. Alter Kirchhof St. Trinitatis
Liebenburg, Landkreis Goslar, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0242640, 10.4386142

10. Ev.-luth. Friedhof Liebenburg
Liebenburg, Landkreis Goslar, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0246441, 10.4402369

11. Alter Kirchhof St Katharinen zu Steinlah
Baddeckenstedt, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0755373, 10.3262912

12. Friedhof Steinlah
Baddeckenstedt, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0767126, 10.3312183

13. Alter Kirchhof Sehlde
Sehlde, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0397416, 10.2640728

14. Neuer Friedhof zu Steinlah
Baddeckenstedt, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0787143, 10.3307841

15. Friedhof Sehlde
Sehlde, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0379699, 10.2608226

16. Friedhof Engerode
Engerode, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0883916, 10.3759512

17. Friedhof Calbecht
Calbecht, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0884289, 10.3820764

18. Ehem. Kirchhof von St Petri
Calbecht, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0902087, 10.3814049

19. Ev. Friedhof Ohlendorf
Salzgitter, Stadtkreis Salzgitter, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0630991, 10.4482079

20. Ev.-luth. Kirche St. Lukas zu Jerstedt
Goslar, Landkreis Goslar, Germany
Coordinate: 51.9515349, 10.3827273

21. Alter Kirchhof Groß Heere
Gross Heere, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0660824, 10.2489357

22. Alter Kirchhof St Nikolaus zu Klein Elbe
Elbe, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0769485, 10.2623344

23. Friedhof Groß Heere
Gross Heere, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0664405, 10.2470165

24. Friedhof Klein Elbe
Klein Elbe, Landkreis Wolfenbüttel, Germany
Coordinate: 52.0788791, 10.2634898