Memorials : 0
Location : Hermanice, Okres Ostrava-mesto, Czech Republic
Description : Once a stand-alone village, Heřmanice is now part of Ostrava. There are two cemeteries in the village area which are fairly close together.

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Hřbitov Heřmanice?

    Hřbitov Heřmanice is located at Hermanice, Okres Ostrava-mesto, Czech Republic.

  • Hřbitov Heřmanice cemetery's updated grave count on

    0 memorials

Nearby Cemetories:

1. Hřbitov Kunčičky
Kuncice, Okres Ostrava-mesto, Czech Republic

2. Ústřední hřbitov Sleszká Ostrava
Slezska Ostrava, Okres Ostrava-mesto, Czech Republic
Coordinate: 49.8203743, 18.3283228

3. Hřbitov Ostrava-Koblov
Ostrava, Okres Ostrava-mesto, Czech Republic

4. Hřbitov Radvanice
Radvanice, Okres Ostrava-mesto, Czech Republic
Coordinate: 49.8203743, 18.3283228