Home > United States of America > Alabama > Clay County > Lineville > Lineville City Cemetery New
Memorials : 6
Location : Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate : 33.3061000, -85.7508000

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Lineville City Cemetery New?

    Lineville City Cemetery New is located at Lineville, Clay County ,Alabama ,USA.

  • Lineville City Cemetery New cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    6 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Lineville City Cemetery New?

    Latitude: 33.3061000
    Longitude: -85.7508000


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Old Lineville Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3102690, -85.7586290

2. Burney Family Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3136900, -85.7543190

3. Lineville Community Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3224364, -85.7640623

4. Hamner Family Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2895150, -85.7265680

5. Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery Old
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3305370, -85.7741480

6. Olive Branch Baptist Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3078003, -85.7966995

7. Springhill Christian Church Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2936230, -85.7057160

8. Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3027938, -85.7985677

9. Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3199997, -85.7035980

10. Old Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3258018, -85.7061005

11. Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2621994, -85.7502975

12. Clay County Memory Gardens
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2825012, -85.7975006

13. Bellview Baptist Church Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3529870, -85.7544490

14. Faith Christian Fellowship Church Cemetery
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2530620, -85.7497820

15. Barfield Baptist Church Cemetery
Barfield, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3584557, -85.7161255

16. Shady Grove Christian Church Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3116860, -85.6717560

17. Oak Grove Cemetery
Lineville, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3685989, -85.7786026

18. Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3774986, -85.7319031

19. Ashland City Cemetery
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2778015, -85.8332977

20. Hassell Cemetery
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.3058014, -85.8411026

21. Providence Primitive Baptist Cemetery
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2293210, -85.7507650

22. Old Ashland Cemetery
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2721820, -85.8332440

23. Old Providence Cemetery
Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2291985, -85.7514038

24. Wrights Chapel Cemetery
Ashland, Clay County, USA
Coordinate: 33.2398380, -85.7980170