Home > Romania > Suceava > Mănăstirea Dragomirna
Memorials : 0
Location : Romania
Description : Dragomirna Monastery is a fortified monastery complex in Romania , built between 1602-1609 in the village of Mitocu Dragomirnei in the commune of the same name (currently located in Suceava County ) by Metropolitan Anastasie Crimca of Moldova. It is located near the Dragomirna forest, at a distance of 12 km north of the city of Suceava . The church of the monastery is dedicated to the Descent of the Holy Spirit (celebrated on Sunday from 50 days after Easter ).

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Mănăstirea Dragomirna?

    Mănăstirea Dragomirna is located at Romania.

  • Mănăstirea Dragomirna cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials


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