Home > United States of America > Mississippi > Hinds County > Terry > Mount Eva Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate : 32.1294900, -90.2859170

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Mount Eva Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Mount Eva Baptist Church Cemetery is located at Terry, Hinds County ,Mississippi ,USA.

  • Mount Eva Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Mount Eva Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 32.1294900
    Longitude: -90.2859170


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Emmanuel Temple Apostolic Church Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1435110, -90.2828520

2. Benevolent Society Cemetery
Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1060630, -90.3011140

3. Terry Cemetery
Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1025009, -90.2988968

4. Stovall Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1591759, -90.2910385

5. Collis Hill Cemetery
Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.0959396, -90.2807312

6. Rhodes Creek Cemetery
Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1449860, -90.3361330

7. Mount Salem Cemetery
Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1694412, -90.3141708

8. Milligan Family Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1789930, -90.2641960

9. Byram Town Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1814041, -90.2601089

10. Old Byram Community Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1808052, -90.2511826

11. Spring Ridge Cemetery
Spring Ridge, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1872215, -90.3291702

12. Smith Cemetery
Rankin County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1441994, -90.2055969

13. Bethesda Baptist Church Cemetery
Bethesda, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1411095, -90.3691711

14. Rocky Springs Missionary Baptist Church
Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.0939350, -90.3732170

15. Big Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.2105598, -90.3091736

16. Sinai Cemetery
Sinai, Rankin County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1232986, -90.1832962

17. Dr. R.M. McGowen Cemetery
Byram, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.2069016, -90.2371979

18. John Adam Riser Family Cemetery
Bethesda, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1871390, -90.3660000

19. Spring Hill Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1597200, -90.3855600

20. Springhill Christian Center Cemetery
Terry, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1602460, -90.3860660

21. Bracey Memorial Cemetery
Spring Ridge, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.2064896, -90.3470383

22. Spring Ridge Cemetery
Spring Ridge, Hinds County, USA
Coordinate: 32.2066765, -90.3473816

23. Brown Hill Cemetery
Whites, Rankin County, USA
Coordinate: 32.1006012, -90.1808014

24. Clear Branch Cemetery
Clear Branch, Rankin County, USA
Coordinate: 32.0746994, -90.1924973