Home > United States of America > Alabama > Chambers County > Mountain Springs Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Chambers County, USA
Coordinate : 33.0503006, -85.5922012

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Mountain Springs Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Mountain Springs Baptist Church Cemetery is located at Chambers County ,Alabama ,USA.

  • Mountain Springs Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Mountain Springs Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 33.0503006
    Longitude: -85.5922012


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Darian Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0592003, -85.6022034

2. Bibby Family Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0292015, -85.5924988

3. Cotney Family Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0695350, -85.6135370

4. Cogar Hill C.M.E. Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0259371, -85.6302238

5. Beulah Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0938988, -85.5839005

6. Mount Olive Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0366950, -85.5402060

7. Daviston Independent Methodist Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0527830, -85.6466560

8. Daviston Baptist Church Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0521940, -85.6469250

9. Ebenezer Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0363998, -85.5400009

10. McKnight Family Cemetery
Bosworth, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0194100, -85.5503000

11. Bailey Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0606003, -85.5363998

12. Ebenezer Methodist Church Cemetery
Bosworth, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0164150, -85.5489720

13. Turner Family Cemetery
Bosworth, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0052800, -85.5650700

14. Sims Cemetery
Lafayette, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0168991, -85.5438995

15. Leander Baptist Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0648060, -85.6543000

16. Shiloh Baptist Church Cemetery
Penton, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0205040, -85.5378220

17. Davis Family Cemetery
Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0240010, -85.6563260

18. Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery
Abanda, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0637500, -85.5129310

19. Rocky Mount Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0168480, -85.6683890

20. Milam Cemetery
Daviston, Tallapoosa County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0553017, -85.6791992

21. Abanda Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0932999, -85.5211029

22. Sorrell-Forshee Cemetery
Shiloh, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0189100, -85.5121400

23. Pleasant Grove Congregational Christian Church
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.0022011, -85.5235977

24. Liles Cemetery
Abanda, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 33.1032000, -85.5245200