Home > Barbados > Saint John > Newcastle Plantation Estate
Memorials : 0
Location : Barbados
Coordinate : 13.1938400, -59.5001400
Description : In modern times, this small family burial ground is on privately owned property. The private gravesite of the Haynes family was encircled by the main drive which approached the plantation Great House. Over the course of several years, six of their young children were buried there. In this way, the family must have felt the departed infants would be remembered and honoured every day as people passed by the plot. New Castle Plantation House and sugar factory were pushed down decades ago and the plantation estate itself no longer exists.

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Newcastle Plantation Estate?

    Newcastle Plantation Estate is located at New Castle Plantation Saint John ,Barbados.

  • Newcastle Plantation Estate cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Newcastle Plantation Estate?

    Latitude: 13.1938400
    Longitude: -59.5001400


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