Home > United States of America > North Carolina > Caswell County > Frogsboro > Old Lea Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate : 36.3449660, -79.1819480

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Old Lea Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Old Lea Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery is located at 6035 Ridgeville Road Frogsboro, Caswell County ,North Carolina ,USA.

  • Old Lea Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Old Lea Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 36.3449660
    Longitude: -79.1819480


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Allen's Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
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2. Thaxton-Barnwell Cemetery
Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3366740, -79.1763420

3. Family Cemetery on Ridgeville Road
Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3349890, -79.1849900

4. Family Cemetery on Rocky Ridge Road
Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3497100, -79.1663100

5. Caudill Family Cemetery
Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3580700, -79.1777480

6. Pattison Family Cemetery
Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3659670, -79.1769220

7. Griers Presbyterian Church Cemetery Old
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3328700, -79.2045100

8. Evans and Long Family Cemetery
Ridgeville, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3252220, -79.1991310

9. Scoggins Family Cemetery
Frogsboro, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3202853, -79.1726874

10. Byrd D. Paylor Family Cemetery
Olive Hill Township, Person County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3530000, -79.1470000

11. Griers Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3473511, -79.2191086

12. Blalock Family Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3257320, -79.2107610

13. Benjamin Bradsher Cemetery
Roxboro, Person County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3474000, -79.1394000

14. Smith Family Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3570300, -79.2261300

15. Beulah Baptist Church Cemetery
Leasburg, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3661156, -79.2235031

16. Jackson - Johnston - Smith Family Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3342800, -79.2316820

17. McMullen Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3339690, -79.2328510

18. Hester Cemetery
Person County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3311691, -79.1318588

19. Holden Cemetery
Ridgeville, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3018630, -79.1814060

20. Fuller Cemetery
Ridgeville, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3014990, -79.1817820

21. Wrenn Farm Cemetery
Ridgeville, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3010000, -79.1750000

22. George Smith Family Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3185800, -79.2281400

23. James - Mitchell Family Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3128690, -79.2233400

24. James Family Cemetery
Hightowers, Caswell County, USA
Coordinate: 36.3126140, -79.2238500