Home > United States of America > Alabama > Calhoun County > Vigo > Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Vigo, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate : 33.9413986, -85.5466995

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery is located at Vigo, Calhoun County ,Alabama ,USA.

  • Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 33.9413986
    Longitude: -85.5466995


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Ladiga Cemetery
Ladiga, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9399986, -85.5746994

2. Faith Baptist Church Cemetery
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9649620, -85.5547270

3. Wilson Family Cemetery
Vigo, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9130030, -85.5489440

4. Carmel Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Spring Garden, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9597015, -85.5753021

5. Graham Cemetery
Spring Garden, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9694140, -85.5616508

6. Hanks Cemetery
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9124985, -85.5764008

7. McFry Cemetery
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9109690, -85.5753790

8. J T Kerr Family Cemetery
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9056400, -85.5655900

9. Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Pleasant Gap, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9783470, -85.5242420

10. Piedmont Memory Gardens
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9241900, -85.5926400

11. Farmer Cemetery
Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9716988, -85.5935974

12. Pleasant Gap Cemetery
Pleasant Gap, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9916992, -85.5216980

13. Old Piedmont Cemetery
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9260063, -85.6131363

14. Highland Cemetery
Piedmont, Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9331017, -85.6153030

15. John Borden Cemetery
Calhoun County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9214000, -85.4800000

16. Goshen Valley Cemetery
Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9622002, -85.6172028

17. Church of Christ Cemetery
Borden Springs, Cleburne County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9218740, -85.4745850

18. Lebanon United Methodist Church Cemetery
Pleasant Gap, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 34.0060997, -85.5528030

19. Arrington Chapel Cemetery
Pleasant Gap, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9641991, -85.4586029

20. Sanford Family Cemetery
Spring Garden, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 34.0209109, -85.5719098

21. Grimes Cemetery
Cleburne County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8572006, -85.5457993

22. Union Grove Cemetery
Rock Run, Cherokee County, USA
Coordinate: 34.0158005, -85.4972000

23. Steed Cemetery
Oak Level, Cleburne County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8572006, -85.5030975

24. Cherry Grove Original Church Cemetery
Borden Springs, Cleburne County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9455986, -85.4349976