Memorials : 1
Location : Bad Bentheim, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, Germany
Coordinate : 52.3023100, 7.1539000

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is St. Johannes der Täufer Church Cemetery?

    St. Johannes der Täufer Church Cemetery is located at Nordring 32 Bad Bentheim, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim ,Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) , 48455Germany.

  • St. Johannes der Täufer Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on

    1 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the St. Johannes der Täufer Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 52.3023100
    Longitude: 7.1539000


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Bad Bentheim War Memorial
Bad Bentheim, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, Germany
Coordinate: 52.3018100, 7.1567300

2. Ochtrup-Kriegsgräberstätte
Ochtrup, Kreis Steinfurt, Germany
Coordinate: 52.2099778, 7.1916935

3. Losser General Cemetery
Losser, Losser Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2625100, 7.0105100

4. Overdinkel Roman Catholic Churchyard
Overdinkel, Losser Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2405100, 7.0319800

5. Losser Roman Catholic Churchyard
Losser, Losser Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2628700, 7.0034500

6. De Lutte Roman Catholic Churchyard
De Lutte, Losser Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3149300, 6.9866600

7. Evangelischer Friedhof
Gronau, Kreis Borken, Germany
Coordinate: 52.2206190, 7.0396011

8. Alter evangelischer Friedhof
Gronau, Kreis Borken, Germany
Coordinate: 52.2105474, 7.0290033

9. Katholischer Friedhof
Gronau, Kreis Borken, Germany
Coordinate: 52.2009691, 7.0436211

10. Joodse Begraafplaats
Denekamp, Dinkelland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3841300, 7.0002100

11. Südfriedhof Nordhorn
Nordhorn, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, Germany
Coordinate: 52.4146088, 7.0562279

12. Oude Joodse Begraafplaats
Denekamp, Dinkelland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3861400, 6.9962700

13. Jüdischer Friedhof (Neu)
Nordhorn, Landkreis Grafschaft Bentheim, Germany
Coordinate: 52.4221600, 7.0812600

14. Joodse Begraafplaats
Oldenzaal, Oldenzaal Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3061840, 6.9264470

15. Doodenzorg Begraafplaats
Glanerbrug, Enschede Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2180600, 6.9695900

16. Friedhof Holsten-Bexten
Salzbergen, Landkreis Emsland, Germany
Coordinate: 52.3335850, 7.3796370

17. Oldenzaal Roman Catholic Cemetery
Oldenzaal, Oldenzaal Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3081500, 6.9165900

18. Rossum Roman Catholic Cemetery
Rossum, Dinkelland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3519900, 6.9217100

19. Lonneker Roman Catholic Churchyard
Lonneker, Enschede Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2499800, 6.9121700

20. Friedhof Königsesch
Rheine, Kreis Steinfurt, Germany
Coordinate: 52.2868666, 7.4097261

21. Enschede Oosterbegraafplaats
Enschede, Enschede Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2221700, 6.9292600

22. Nieuwe Algemene Begraafplaats
Oldenzaal, Oldenzaal Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.3119200, 6.8932200

23. Joodse begraafplaats Esmarkerrondweg
Enschede, Enschede Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2211480, 6.9282250

24. Enschede Roman Catholic Cemetery
Enschede, Enschede Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 52.2183100, 6.9307100