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FALLS DEAD IN PASTURE Fred Lalone, an Old Soldier, Expires Suddenly Sunday Evening From Heart Disease Last Sunday afternoon, while enroute to the pasture to look after his cattle, Fred Lalone, who resides east of town, suddenly succumbed to an attack of heart disease, expiring almost within sight of his wife who had gone a portion of the way with him. Mrs. Lalone watched him as he passed over the brow of a hill near the house. Not returning as soon as she thought he ought, she became anxious and went to look for him. As she...
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FALLS DEAD IN PASTURE Fred Lalone, an Old Soldier, Expires Suddenly Sunday Evening From Heart Disease Last Sunday afternoon, while enroute to the pasture to look after his cattle, Fred Lalone, who resides east of town, suddenly succumbed to an attack of heart disease, expiring almost within sight of his wife who had gone a portion of the way with him. Mrs. Lalone watched him as he passed over the brow of a hill near the house. Not returning as soon as she thought he ought, she became anxious and went to look for him. As she neared the place, she saw her husband lying on the ground, his faithful dog curled up beside him. She attempted to arouse him, but to no avail, finally realizing that he was dead. Hastening to the house, she gave the alarm, and neighbors immediately came to her assistance. Deceased had spent the Sabbath with his family apparently in the best of health, and the fact that he had had but three days' illness in thirty-five years, made the news of his death startling to family and friends.
Fred Lalone was a husband, a father, a friend and a neighbor in deed and in truth. During a series of meetings in the Bethel M. E. Church the past winter, he confessed and accepted Christ as his Redeemer, and earnestly tried to keep his faith with Him.
Deceased was born in Ontario, Canada, November 4, 1842. He spent his early boyhood in the vicinity of his birth, but in 1863 he crossed the line into New York. The war spirit at that time was at fever height, and though a citizen of the queen's domain, he enlisted in Co. H, 20th regiment New York Cavalry and served three years or until the close of the war. He was mustered out July 31, 1865, and returned to Canada. There, on September 10, 1867, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Slater, and for almost forty years they walked life's pathway together. They were the parents of two daughters, Mrs. Alva Mill and Mrs. William Baldwin, and two sons, Will and Alva. The latter named is still at home and the others are still in this vicinity. With his family, Mr. Lalone came from Canada to Iowa fifteen years ago and has since resided near Dunlap.
The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from his home church, Rev. O. F. Shaw preaching the sermon. The building was inadequate to accommodate the large number of friends of the deceased who came to pay their last respects. The remains were laid to rest in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Published in The Dunlap Reporter (Dunlap, Iowa) on Friday, May 31, 1907
PARENTS Andrew Lalone Lany Crowder
MILITARY Civil War Vet 61-65
MARRIAGE Mary Ann Slater
CHILREN: Harriett Eliz. Lalone m. Edward Baldwin Louisea Delano Lalone m. Alva Eli Mill William Andrew Lalone m. Maud Holliday John Alva Lalone m. Mildred M. Baughman |