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Mother∼CLICK on all dozen or so photos for more family history.
The Greenwood Trumbull / Hansen Cemetery is not in Clay County it is in Adams County, and three miles west of Trumbull, Nebraska. _____
SARAH MARGARET DURBIN HAWTHORNE'S OBITUARY read at church 1932. The obituary Reverend Lind read at Sarah's funeral at the Trumbull Methodist Church. Sarah was Baptist.
Sarah Margaret Durbin, was born near Competine, Iowa November 22, 1855, and departed this life April 3rd 1932 in her home at Trumbull, Nebraska at the age of 76...
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Mother∼CLICK on all dozen or so photos for more family history.
The Greenwood Trumbull / Hansen Cemetery is not in Clay County it is in Adams County, and three miles west of Trumbull, Nebraska. _____
SARAH MARGARET DURBIN HAWTHORNE'S OBITUARY read at church 1932. The obituary Reverend Lind read at Sarah's funeral at the Trumbull Methodist Church. Sarah was Baptist.
Sarah Margaret Durbin, was born near Competine, Iowa November 22, 1855, and departed this life April 3rd 1932 in her home at Trumbull, Nebraska at the age of 76 years 4 months and 12 days. On the date of March 21, 1875 she united in marriage with Mr. Samuel R. Hawthorne. To this union nine children were born, all of which survive her. In order of age they are:- Orville Hawthorne, Trumbull, Nebraska. Ernest Hawthorne, Arapahoe, Colorado. Mary Boggs, Hastings, Nebraska. Nora Roggy, San Jose, California. Wayne Hawthorne, Stratton, Colorado. Effie Hultquist, Minden, Nebraska. Esther Smith, Los Angelus, California. Grace Goodwin, San Jose, California. Blanche Slife, Trumbull, Nebraska. Besides her husband and children, there are fourteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, two brothers and one sister who mourn her departure.
Mrs. Hawthorne, with her husband and three eldest children came to Clay County, Nebraska February 13, 1883. They came overland, in a covered wagon, and settled on their farm four miles east of Trumbull. With her passing another of the pioneer empire builders in this Middle West passes from our midst. We pass into the possession of a greater heritage because of her spirit of courage, undaunted by the sacrifice and self-denial demanded by those earlier years. Outstanding is it not, and indicative also, of rugged strength and character, that her passing at this advanced age, marks the first break in the home ties of this house-hold. As a neighbor she was always considerate and kind. As a Christian woman she was an inspiration to many.
On February 6, 1912 Mr. & Mrs. Hawthorne removed from the farm to their present home in Trumbull. While a young girl, Mrs. Hawthorne united with the Baptist Church of Competine, Iowa. After coming to Nebraska she transfered her membership to the Salem Baptist, church located North East of Trumbull where she continued her membership until her removal to the church Triumphant, through the merit of her faith and Trust in Christ whom she confessed as her Savior and whom she gladly owned as her Redeemer.
SONGS 1. In the land where we never grow old 2. Old Rugged Cross 3. Going down the valley one by one
Per Blanche Slife – Mother was buried April 7th 1932
Both S. R. in 1936 and Sarah Margaret in 1932 died during the depression and hot dry weather that ruined the farming economy where they lived. _____
OBITUARY MRS. S. R. HAWTHORNE TRUMBULL Apr. 14 (1932)-- After an illness of several weeks, Mrs. S. R. Hawthorne passed away at her home here, April 3 at the age of 76 years. With her passing, the family circle was broken for the first time, and another pioneer of this community was removed. …… last month they celebrated their fifty-seventh wedding anniversary. ….. A quartet, Albert Talbert, Roy Gueck, Lee Behrends and Lloyd O'Donnell sang, Mrs. Harry O'Donnell accompanied. …….. One brother Guy Durbin of Ollie, Ia., came to attend the funeral. Burial was made in the Greenwood cemetery.
_____ Known facts about Samuel Ransom Hawthorne and Sarah Margaret Durbin Hawthorne in chronological order.
The following until 1883 takes place at Competine Township, Wapello County, Iowa. (Both Samuel {Buck, Ran} and Sarah would have known all of their spouses relatives mentioned even before Buck and Sarah were married because they lived in the same area.) (SRH = Samuel Ransom Hawthorne)
1854, 19 September Samuel Ransom Hawthorne was born in Iowa to Reid Templeton and Mary J. Hawthorn.
1855, 22 November Sarah Margaret Durbin was born to Ambrose and Mary McVay Durbin.
1858, Grandmother Margaret Hathorn in Washington Co., Va. died.
1860, around, Samuel Ransom Hawthorne told the school teacher on the first day of school his name was Buchanan. The same as the presidents name. The rest of his life the name he was most known by was Buck. Sarah did not like that name and called him Ran for Ransom until he could be called Pa.
1871, SRH grandfather James Reed died in Virginia. Mary Jane Reed Hawthorn's father.
1874, 22 June SRH's older sister Elizabeth M. Hawthorn Dickins died.
1875, 21 March Samuel Ransom Hawthorne and Sarah Margaret Durbin were married. They and their parents were members of the Baptist Church of Competine P.O., Marysville, Iowa. Marysville was known as Competine by the Hawthorn's and Durbin's and others.
1876, 25 March son Orville, first child, was born to Samuel and Sarah.
1878, 24 July son Ernest was born.
1879, 9 March Samuel "Buck" and Sarah Margaret were attendants at the wedding of his cousin, Rebecca Jane Hawthorn, and Thomas J. Larmore (Thomas a step cousin since he was raised by Bracken Dell Hawthorn. Bracken Dell was Reid T and Horatio T Hawthorn's brother in Virginia.)
1879, 8 September Sarah Margaret's grandmother, Margaret Richardson Durbin Ulrey, died. (She lived right there in their neighborhood in Iowa. Sarah probably visited her grandmother a number of time.)
1880, Leonidas White, Samuel's sister Martha's husband recorded the census and spelled all Hawthorn names without the "e". It appears as if between 1880 - 1890 the name Hawthorn changed in spelling to Hawthorne. Between 1830 and 1840 the name Hathorn changed in spelling to Hawthorn.
1881, 10 January Sarah Margaret's mother, Mary McVay Durbin, died. (Sarah was 8 months pregnant with Mary. I can just imagine that funeral with Sarah, her two small boys, and the Durbin family there on that cold Iowa hill.)
1881, 17 February daughter Mary was born.
1882, fall, Samuel's Uncle Horatio Thompson Hawthorn and family moved from Wapello Co., Iowa to the Harvard / Trumbull area of Nebraska. (The Phelps's moved in 1881 and Dudgeon Family moved about the same years.)
1883, spring, Samuel, Sarah and children Orville, Ernest, and Mary moved to Blair, Nebraska. Within weeks or months they moved on to Trumbull where Samuel's Uncle had moved. When they moved to Nebraska may also be when they started spelling Hawthorne with the "e".
..(Competine Township, Wapello Co., IA)... began housekeeping on a farm owned by Mr. Hawthorne and where they remaind until in the spring of 1883. At this time, a move westward was decided upon. The farm was sold and a "prairie-schooner" in contrast to the present day motor-powered truck, was fitted out. Under the most favorable conditions, the wagon offered a very slow and perilous transportation but it carried them to their destination....(Source Newspaper article about their 56 anniversary in 1931.)
1883, 21 November daughter Nora Bell was born in Nebraska.
1884, 22 April Samuel's father Reid Templeton Hawthorn died in Iowa.
1885, 15 September Samuel's Uncle Horatio Thompson Hawthorn died. Samuel probably attended the funeral since they were living near each other in Nebraska.
1885, 28 December Orville, Ernest, Mary, and Nora's great grandmother, Elizabeth W. Lively Reed died in Washington County, Virginia. She was 90 years old and the mother of Mary J. Reed Hawthorn, Reid T. Hawthorn's wife.
1886, 6 February son Wayne was born.
The following takes place in the Trumbull, Nebraska area. Trumbull became a town in 1886 when the railroad came through.
1888, 12 January School Childrens Blizzard. The children and their teacher stayed at the Hawthorne's home. (Sarah was 8 months pregnant with Effie.)
1888 12 February daughter Effie was born. From what Effie told me (Samuel's Aunt) Leticia Hawthorn (Mrs. Horatio T. Hawthorn) assisted with her birth.
1890, 6 June daughter Esther was born.
1893, or before Samuel bought the farm in Hamilton County nearer Salem Baptist Church where the Hawthornes attended.
1893 daughter Grace was born in Hamilton County, on 24 February.
1895, 18 February daughter Blanche was born in Hamilton County.
1895 or later Nora was sent to Iowa to take care of her grandmother, Mary Jane Reed Hawthorn (Mrs. Reid T. Hawthorn).
1899, 15 February son Orville married Florence Herring.
1899 - 1900 Samuel sold his Hamilton County farm to his cousin George Hawthorne.
1901, 19 June their first grandchild Noel was born to Orville and Florence Hawthorne
1901, 25 June Noel died.
1901, 15 December son Ernest married Josie Demary.
1902, 1 October daughter Mary married Luther Boggs.
1903, 8 January grandson Neil Hawthorne was born to Ernie and Josie.
1903, 1 October daughter Nora married Lee Roggy.
1906, 29 November daughter Effie married Charles Talbert.
1907, 24 April Charles Talbert died. (Effie was a widow as a teenager, age 19 years and 2 months)
1909, 30 June son Wayne married Ruby Smith. They lived in western Nebraska near Venango, in a sodhouse. According to the census their farm where they lived was across the state line in Colorado.
1910 - Daughter Effie Talbert moved out west to the area where Wayne lived. I believe Effie was just east more in the Grant / Madrid area rather than Venango.
1910, 15 June daughter Esther married Alvin Smith.
1911, July Grace and Blanche visited relatives in Iowa. Orville and Ernie were in Iowa several times during their lives. To the best of my knowledge Wayne never visited relatives in Iowa. Esther may have been there sometime but probably not, maybe never.
1911 Sewell Slife takes Hawthorne sisters - Effie Talbert, Esther Smith, Grace and Blanche Hawthorne to the Clay County Fair in Clay Center. 1911 _______16 year old Blanche breaks up with Merle Wheeler and starts going with Sewell Slife.
1912, February 6 - Samuel Ransom, Sarah, and daughters Grace and Blanche moved into Trumbull. Their daughter Effie Talbert probably stayed with them when she was around.
1912, 3 October daughter Blanche married Sewell Slife. In Lincoln, Nebraska.
1913, 14 September daughter Effie Hawthorne Talbert married Carl Harry Hultquist.
1915, 15 December daughter Grace married Clarence Davis. They lived in Iowa. Clarence died shortly and was buried at Competine P.O., Iowa. As I, Jack, remember Effie saying Grace was hunting with Clarence and Grace got shot in the heart, (or they believed shot in the heart). They could not remove the bullet but she lived. I think this occurred in Iowa. Clarence was the father of Lyle.
1922, July, Esther Smith and family moved to California.
1923, August, Nora Roggy and family moved to California.
1932, 3 April Sarah Margaret Durbin Hawthorne died.
1933, 7 June Samuel Ransom Hawthorne married Mrs. Jennie Rowen who he had met on a train on his way back to Nebraska after a visit with relatives in Iowa.
1936, 18 September Samuel Ransom Hawthorne died. Brother Tempie attended the funeral from Iowa. Cousins John, Henry, and George Hawthorne (son's of Horatio T. Hawthorn) were pallbearers. ________
1911 JUNE AND JULY LETTERS written to Grace and Blanche while visiting relatives near Competine, Iowa for about six weeks. The letters were written by ma and their sister Effie.
To: Grace and Blanche From: Mother, Sarah Margaret Durbin Hawthorne
June 25, 1911 Grace and Blanche Dear girls letters recd last night was glad to hear you are having a good time, hope you are today have been wondering if it is raining a cloud has hung off in the far east today it is awful hot here with east wind. June 27-11 you see from first date this is getting stale I begun this sun(day) after (noon) dinner. Frank Siefkin came down invited us to eat ice cream. yesterday morn we washed in the afternoon. Pa took daise (family horse) down to Waynes (Hawthorne) for Ruby (Wayne's wife) to drive back and forth to Marys (Hawthorne Boggs) & Wayne stays at the Bogg Bro all night & Luther (Boggs) does too. Mrs. Naugle cooks for the Bogg Boys during harvest, the boys are all working hard on sunday they was so tired they was almost sick. Lee (Roggy-Nora's husband) looks bad is taking medicine. Orville (Hawthorne) got his face poisoned had to go to the Dr.. Ernest (Hawthorne) does the driving on the (horse drawn) header it is so dusty he has to wear goggles & then his eyes is so inflamed he can hardly see. Veda (Chaney) helped Nora Fri she combed my hair for me & I went with her & Nora home then I & Mrs Chaney (Veda's Mother) went to lodge & drove John (Nora's horse). I came back to Nora(s) & came home with Pa as he came home from Waynes. we have had no rain yet sunday night we had a wind storm blew every thing upside down broke the big cotton wood tree down out by the old chicken house. Pa has been out hunting his turkeys found the old hen & little ones all dead, the old hen was sitting on seven eggs. We got a letter from Effie (Hawthorne Talbert {1913 Hultquist}) last night she is coming home Fri if she dont change her mind, is going to stay for the fourth (of July). there is not going to be any thing going on that we have heard. I am sitting north of the wash house boiling soap (making lye soap, on the farm four miles east of Trumbull. The last year they lived there). Just got through picking the Cherries over, I put up one crate of raspberries last week. we went to church last Sunday. your Pa says for you to tell your Uncle Thomp (Hawthorne) to come out & see us & then write & tell him what he says. I sent the stamp books to Esther (Hawthorne Smith)(in Lincoln - per Blanche's 1912 wedding) I dont know what she can get with them. Ernest Sleith (orphan stayed with Lee & Nora Hawthorne Roggy) is back to Trumbull. Blanche your Pa said tell you he was in the bank Saturday morn Mr. Wheeler said to Merle (Merle Wheeler had been dating Blanche) here is a letter from Iowa who lives in Ia/ (Iowa) that is writing to you. Ha. Ha. Raymond P. (Phelps) is threshing today Ada & Cora is helping Verna (Phelps). Sincerely yours Mother
______ July 4, 1911 letter about Uncle Ed Durbin's death in Iowa. Ed was Sarah's brother. Letter from Sarah Margaret Durbin Hawthorne to her daughters Grace and Blanche while visiting relatives in Iowa. Guy Durbin was before and after this a friend to all the family.
. July 4 –11 Grace & Blanche letter recd was glad to her you are having a good time. we got a telegram Sunday eve Edward (Durbin- Sarah's brother) is dead to be buried Wednesday morning don't know where he is to be buried, if at competine (Iowa) hope you can go. I don't know why your uncle Guy (Durbin) is treating so with silent contempt don't go if he doesent act better or if you feel as though he mbites(?) you for manner sake, but may be there is a good reason I don't know of but why does he treat you so? oh I would of liked to of went to the funeral tomorrow I don't know why such things always happen when I cant go. (Orville's wife) Florence & (Orville's daughter) Nina have come so I will have to get dinner (noon meal) have no knews anyway. Grace begin now to take the leaf tea & be careful not to take cold or get to warm. write me if you know any thing about your uncles (Ed) death or sickness, Mother
______ Letter from Effie to Grace and Blanche visiting relatives in Wapello County, Iowa in 1911.
. 4th of July Dear Sisters I am on my way back to Kearney (to college). we just rec'd your last page of your letter so you will have to write again. I was out home but I didn't go any place while I was home (4 East of Trumbull) as it was so warm my every thing is so dry here. Florence (Orville's wife) and Nina was down home to day and Sunday Orvilles (Hawthorne) and Bearses were down a while in their Auto (still a novelty on the farm). I have stoped over with Esther (Who?) of a few hours. I am going over to Kearney this evening by the way of Grand Island. We were over to Ernies (Hawthorne) last night (via buggy or wagon) and had ice cream. Ma hasn't been feeling very well but was feeling better when we came away. Esther Wilcox is over a Kinseys now Bess Barr was over to see her all are getting along fine. Esther (probably Wilcox and not sister Esther) came out home with me and stayed, she did some sewing for herself and she and I made ma a dress and a waist (blouse). Pa and I did my washing and theirs, I had an awful big ironing. I got the schools all O.K. I guess. Wayne (Hawthorne) hasn't got any place yet. I guess Pa will have to build (Pa & Ma Sept 1911 bought a house in Trumbull). There is no celebration any place closer than Sutton will close. Write to me, Effie
_____ JULY 4, 1911 INTERESTING LETTER from Effie to Ma and Pa. Helen Taft was President Taft's wife.
Some one room schoolhouse teachers were not the best. Effie felt her and many of her siblings one room school education was lacking because she had had a couple bad teachers. Because she lacked a quality education she failed her 8th grad exam. Effie was very pleased that she could compete on the college level.
Effie believed in being educated. Twenty-five years later Effie and C. H. Hultquist helped others get a college education, including Milton Hassel a future President of Kearney State College, which is now UNK, The University of Nebraska at Kearney.
Kearney, Nebr. . 7/5/11 Dear Parents: . I got here all O.K. I left Hastings at 7:15 (PM July 4th) had a nice time in Hastings and when I got on the train in Hastings there was lots on that were going to Kearney. when we got in at Grand Island at 8:15 (PM) we found that our train we should of gone on was Helen Taft's special train and we had to wait an hour in Grand Island. Well there was about a dozen of we girls and only one boy teacher and it so happened that he is quite a girl boy. We stacked our suit cases up and he told us to go and have a good time and he would watch them, of course we did. when we came back we were talking and he was tell(ing) what a good time he had at home and there was a crazy women walked up and just began talking to him about her going home, you had ought to of seen the expression on his face. After so long a time the train came and I enjoyed the ride so well, it is a much nicer train than I had ever rode on before. It was 11:15 (PM) when we got in to Kearney and I new the doors would be locked at the Dorm so I went home with some of the Grand Island girls I am acquainted with, they are doing light house keeping and had an extra bed, I stayed all night with them, but came to the Dormitory for breakfast. So after all I got to celebrate a little I got my grades to day they are all O.K. it makes me feel fine. I have only one more to take and that is Civics. . Ma don't work to hard take things easy and rest while it is so warm. . Well as it is getting bed time I had better close. . Write soon, . Your daughter . Effie Talbert
______________ The S. R. Hawthorne family generally stayed with Leonidas and Martha White when they visited relatives in Iowa. Letter from Ma to Grace and Blanche. ______ Trumbull, Nebr July 11 11 AM, 1911 R. R. No. 1, Trumbull, Clay Co, Nebr.
. Grace & Blanche Hawthorne . Farson . Iowa
% L. H. White ______
July 10, 1911 Dear Girls I hope you will keep well so you can have a good time every place you go, I dreamed about you every night last week, Sat. night I could not sleep for grace coming to my bed & whispering to me all I could hear was ma, ma, & see her that would waken me up so I got up & comed my hair put the ferns & plants out in the rain, by that time it was almost two oclock I went to sleep & dreamed no more. We went to (Methodist) church last night Veda (Chaney) was with Roy Gossard, Chester & Lola Smith, Merle (Wheeler-Blanche's exboyfriend) & Alda, I looked at Alda & smiled Merle looked as mad as a hornet, as we came home I saw Merle & alda in the Drug store. Elsie & her fellow was at church we passed them (with horse and buggy) on the way home I told them to drive up that was not way to go from church he said his horse was played out. we missed you last night in the choir as much as we have at home & after we got home it was lonesome. Arthur (Yost-Grace's boyfriend) seemed lonesome when he was here and didn't stay as usual. Did you girls speak to your aunt Emma (Durbin - Ed's wife) did she take it very hard, is Jessie (Durbin - Ed's son) married.
When you come I want you to come by way of Hastings not stop at Harvard. (Sounds as if Sarah was going to pick them up with the family buggy after she did her trading in Hastings.)
. July 12, 1911 Dear Girls the reason I wrote you not to set a time to come home until I wrote again was because Esther is going down to visit Effie & then to wood river to visit Marie she was married the day you left, I was talking with her yesterday she said she dont know when she will go until she hears from Effie, she dont want to go the week Effie takes her xams & school will be out the last week in July, so if you stay six weeks you will half to stay until the first day of aug so Esther will be home then but if you want to. be good & have a good time, oh yes I know why I had such dreams you might as well wrote me what a time you had at the river; better go again there is danger so take that all in first ha, ha. I got a letter from Emma (Durbin Ed's wife) she is feeling so bad I wish she would come home with you, you could write to her if you set your time in time enough & have her meet you at the depot in Ottumwa & come right on with you I think it would do her good. I stoped & asked Mrs Browne for your money (for sewing) but she dident have the change. I dident have cream to sell last week but will send you 25 cents each. have not sold cream but twice since you left am short on means. Ernest (Hawthorne) was threshing today over at home his wheat made 15 bu per acre they have not threshed any of ours yet. Pa ordered 2 crates of Black berries to come on the 11 o'clock (train) tomorrow. C what I will have to do & I can hardly walk yesterday I could not walk with out a cane today but little better have been that way ever since you left. Emmett Boggs went to see Louis (his future wife) in Kansas. Elmer Haggard went (with) him to see his girl. hope you are having a good time. time for the carrier (rural mailman) don't write anything about the money I send. . Mother,
Grace did you get your locket dont write any thing about it but write yes or no on the corner of your letter I will know what it means for they all want to read your letters.
(Grace & Blanche visited relatives in Iowa for about six weeks. Maybe this is when Grace met Clarence Davis. Her future husband and father of their son Lyle Davis.)
_____ _____ 1982 letter from Olive Boggs Rauch Olive Boggs was named for Olive Durbin Brenda = Olive Boggs Rauch's niece Grandmother = Sarah Margaret Durbin Hawthorne Mother = Mary Hawthorne Boggs July 13, 1982 Dear Jack I didn't receive your packet until June18th Im ashamed that I kept it so long. Brenda & her 2 young men were here the week-end of June 12th & 13th. ........ This a.m. Ive been re-reading the papers you sent for umpteenth time and am recalling my things that I remember hearing in my youth --- when Mother & sister Effie & Nora talked & thought my big ears were not hearing. I am much more interested in the Durbin background than I am the Hawthorne, probably because of some of the things I heard, but mostly because of the wonderful person that Grandmother Sarah was. She was so compassionate, loving, and serving. Patience personified. .......... Also I see that Grandmother (Sarah Durbin) Hawthorne lost her mother (Mary Durbin) the same year my mother (Mary Hawthorne)was born. Her mother (Mary)died Jan 10, 1881 and my mother (Mary, 5 weeks later was)born Feb. 17, 1881. (Gee, I wonder who Mary Hawthonre was named for?) See what I have been doing. Reading and figuring out theses dates & happenings. Very interesting. I can remember my mother and her sisters and grandmother being so upset over the uncles having Aunt Olive committed – only trouble was "change of life" menopause – and years of hard work raising the younger ones, and teaching school. I remember Grandmother asking my mother to go to Iowas and get Aunt Olive out. But the Uncle's had the judge in their power. I don't remember whether and Nora and /or Aunt Effie went along. They found her very alert and sane when they were allowed a short visit to her. Grandmother H. & Aunt Olive were very dear to each other, being only 2 yrs apart. Well I'll send this on to Brenda now. She is very interested. Thanks so much for sharing it with us. .......... Affectionately Olive (Boggs Rauch) _________ For a photo of Sarah's tombstone look at: Samuel Ransom Hawthorne and John Alvin Smith (Alvin). Be sure to look at the tombstone under Samuel Ransom Hawthorne's name. This photo is of the S. R. Hawthorne family installing the tombstone.
Also that S. R. Hawthorne site is not my site so I can not correct the errors that are present. ORVILLE DID NOT LIVE IN COLORADO, Ernie did, etc. _________ In the Greenwood Cemetery look at the photos of all the children for more information and be sure to look at granddaughter Nina C. Roper's photos I have listed four more S. R. and Sarah Hawthorne family photos. _________ (In 1906 S. R. Hawthorne's daughter Effie married Charley Talbert a son of Harrison and Matilda Talbert. The following is from Harrison B. Talbert's dairy.)
1905 July 23 - Sunday Clear beautiful day. Visit Buck Hawthorn. (Buck was a nickname for S. R. Hawthorne. HBT lived one mile west of Trumbull and the S. R. Hawthorne family four east of Trumbull. Via horse and buggy that trip took probably half an hour.) 1905 Aug. 13 - Lee Roggys Child passes away at 9 O A.M. (Little Bea dau. of Lee and Nora Hawthorne Roggy.) 1905 Sept. 17 - Sunday Mr & Mrs Hawthorn visit us. (A common practice was of visiting after church. Also they may have gone up through the trap door onto the roof and looked over the countryside before fall harvest. There were other Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne relatives in the area but I believe all the entries refer to Buck or his children and not to Buck's uncle the Horatio T. Hawthorne family.) 1905 Sept. 22 - Buy two sows E Hawthorn (Son Ernest Hawthorne.)
1906 Jan. 29 - Hawthorns visit.l 1906 Feb. 20 - Visit Buck Hawthorns. Good time. 1906 Sept. 20 - Ma & Coe goes to Hawthorns. 1906 Nov. 29 - Charley & Effie (Hawthorne) is married at sundown. (Married at the Buck Hawthorne home four east of Trumbull.)
1916 Nov. 30 - Thanksgiving A Beautiful (day). Coe helping O. Hawthorn thresh, Mrs Herring stays with us. (Orville Hawthorne.)
1917 Feb 2 - Mostly clear but real cold all day long. 22B Go with Earnie Hawthorn to Doniphan to Mr Herrods funeral.
(1921 Oct 17 Long Beach, California - On this day Harrison B. Talbert mailed a letter to Effie Hawthorne Talbert Hultquist at Minden, Nebraska.) |