Home > United States of America > Alabama > Chambers County > Lanett > Evening Spring Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate : 32.8789210, -85.2443330

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Evening Spring Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Evening Spring Baptist Church Cemetery is located at 4826 Country Club Rd Lanett, Chambers County ,Alabama , 36863USA.

  • Evening Spring Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Evening Spring Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 32.8789210
    Longitude: -85.2443330


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Hillcrest Garden
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8764000, -85.2294006

2. Sardis United Methodist Church Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8941330, -85.2389720

3. Providence Baptist Church Cemetery
Huguley, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8767014, -85.2675018

4. New Zion Church Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8511009, -85.2380981

5. Greenwood Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8458510, -85.2418760

6. Resthaven Memorial Gardens
Huguley, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8506012, -85.2692032

7. Evangel Temple Assembly of God Cemetery
Huguley, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8449000, -85.2318000

8. Oakwood Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8689003, -85.2033005

9. Holstun Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.9057999, -85.2827988

10. Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery
Huguley, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8375015, -85.2328033

11. Pine Hill Cemetery
Little Shawmut, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8431015, -85.2142029

12. Mount Hermon Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8465280, -85.2049360

13. Huguley Cemetery
Huguley, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8236008, -85.2144012

14. Saint John Community Church Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.9301160, -85.2040860

15. Old Friendship Baptist Church Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8392120, -85.1859280

16. Mitchell Springs Cemetery
Lafayette, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8902780, -85.3199260

17. Sharon Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.9328300, -85.2905000

18. Harrell Family Cemetery
Little Shawmut, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8425400, -85.1776200

19. Garrett Cemetery
Lanett, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8937240, -85.3275850

20. New Hope Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.9422470, -85.2857830

21. Holstum Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.9225006, -85.3181000

22. Osanippa Baptist Church Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8031000, -85.2500000

23. Bell Chapel Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.8610992, -85.3482971

24. Emory Chapel Cemetery
Chambers County, USA
Coordinate: 32.9263992, -85.3439026