Home > United States of America > Maine > York County > Kittery Point > First Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 156
Location : Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate : 43.0857582, -70.6995392

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is First Baptist Church Cemetery?

    First Baptist Church Cemetery is located at Haley Rd. Kittery Point, York County ,Maine ,USA.

  • First Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    155 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the First Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 43.0857582
    Longitude: -70.6995392


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Safford Plot
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2. Pepperell Family Plot
Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0839230, -70.7038550

3. Chauncey Plot
Kittery, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0851900, -70.6928200

4. First Christian Church Cemetery
Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0904732, -70.7024612

5. Frisbee-Frisbie
Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0797420, -70.6905310

6. First Congregational Church Cemetery
Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0812180, -70.7155090

7. Dennett-Frisbee Cemetery
Kittery, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0958440, -70.7102390

8. Fernald Plot
Kittery, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0849200, -70.7214800

9. Nancy Weeks
Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1036456, -70.6982732

10. Frost Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0714890, -70.7159910

11. Preble Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0717500, -70.7164100

12. Upper Prescott Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0714000, -70.7188500

13. Lower Prescott Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0714100, -70.7189300

14. Vennard Field Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0709960, -70.7183980

15. Seawards - Sowards Cemetery
Kittery Point, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0708470, -70.6795120

16. Marsh-Tarlton Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0683200, -70.7173400

17. Fernald Tuttle Plot
Kittery, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0869240, -70.7293370

18. Batson Field Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0695700, -70.7199900

19. George Locke Field Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0727520, -70.7243320

20. Amazeen-Tarleton Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0685600, -70.7192600

21. Brown Plot
Kittery, York County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0872410, -70.7303080

22. Tarlton Field Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0722400, -70.7243400

23. Oceanside Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0658410, -70.7148960

24. Amazeen Field Cemetery
New Castle, Rockingham County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0693700, -70.7216000