Memorials : 0
Location : Hohenems, Dornbirn Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate : 47.3578410, 9.6886800

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Friedhof Hohenems?

    Friedhof Hohenems is located at Hohenems, Dornbirn Bezirk ,Vorarlberg ,Austria.

  • Friedhof Hohenems cemetery's updated grave count on

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Friedhof Hohenems?

    Latitude: 47.3578410
    Longitude: 9.6886800


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Friedhof Götzis
Götzis, Feldkirch Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.3302300, 9.6370300

2. Dornbirn-Hatlerdorf
Hatlerdorf, Dornbirn Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.3997554, 9.7375549

3. Friedhof Au
Au, Wahlkreis Rheintal, Switzerland
Coordinate: 47.4346600, 9.6325900

4. Pfarrkirche Höchst - St. Johann
Höchst, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4601590, 9.6389540

5. Friedhof Wolfurt
Wolfurt, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4732400, 9.7547600

6. Friedhof Schwarzenberg
Schwarzenberg, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4136633, 9.8530362

7. Altar of Capuchin Church
Feldkirch, Feldkirch Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.2391520, 9.5989370

8. Stadtfriedhof Bregenz
Bregenz, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4989090, 9.7427170

9. Sankt Nikolaus
Egg, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4317100, 9.8951200

10. Priory of Saint Gerold
Bludenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.2188380, 9.8172730

11. St. Stephan Catholic Church Cemetery
Thuringen, Bludenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.2000008, 9.7666664

12. Zentralfriedhof Rorschach
Rorschach, Wahlkreis Rorschach, Switzerland
Coordinate: 47.4701900, 9.4996300

13. Sankt Josef Grossdorf
Grossdorf, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4337600, 9.9155600

14. Friedhof Lochau
Lochau, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.5298760, 9.7529410

15. Friedhof Raggal
Raggal, Bludenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.2104880, 9.8361700

16. Friedhof Langenegg
Langenegg, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4605510, 9.9074230

17. Friedhof Goldach
Goldach, Wahlkreis Rorschach, Switzerland
Coordinate: 47.4728000, 9.4632900

18. Alter Friedhof Lindau
Lindau, Landkreis Lindau, Germany
Coordinate: 47.5548370, 9.6910670

19. Friedhof Oberreitnau
Oberreitnau, Landkreis Lindau, Germany
Coordinate: 47.5602800, 9.6857300

20. Friedhof Aeschach
Aeschach, Landkreis Lindau, Germany
Coordinate: 47.5649710, 9.7006920

21. Friedhof Lindau-Aeschach
Lindau, Landkreis Lindau, Germany
Coordinate: 47.5657304, 9.6994634

22. Friedhof Krumbach
Krumbach, Bregenz Bezirk, Austria
Coordinate: 47.4829130, 9.9360660

23. Ostfriedhof Sankt Gallen
Sankt Gallen, Wahlkreis St. Gallen, Switzerland
Coordinate: 47.4433330, 9.4052780

24. Pfarrfriedhof Wasserburg
Wasserburg, Landkreis Lindau, Germany
Coordinate: 47.5666700, 9.6295600