Home > United States of America > Nebraska > Harlan County > German Lutheran Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Harlan County, USA
Coordinate : 40.0461006, -99.5532990

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is German Lutheran Cemetery?

    German Lutheran Cemetery is located at Harlan County ,Nebraska ,USA.

  • German Lutheran Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the German Lutheran Cemetery?

    Latitude: 40.0461006
    Longitude: -99.5532990


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Delimont Cemetery
Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.0022011, -99.5802994

2. Pleasant Hill Cemetery
Stamford, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.0730200, -99.6293800

3. Long Island Cemetery
Long Island, Phillips County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9578018, -99.5400009

4. Deaver Cemetery
Precept, Furnas County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1030998, -99.6489029

5. Veneman Family Cemetery
Long Island, Phillips County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9589005, -99.6128006

6. Stamford Cemetery
Stamford, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1469002, -99.5931015

7. Woodruff Cemetery
Woodruff, Phillips County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9869003, -99.4356003

8. Homfeld Family Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1658300, -99.5372300

9. Orleans Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1330000, -99.4436700

10. Fairview Cemetery
Norton County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9880981, -99.6939011

11. Calvary Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1377983, -99.4421997

12. Hoyt Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1330190, -99.4316340

13. Sasse Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1764900, -99.5545200

14. Maple Creek Cemetery
Precept, Furnas County, USA
Coordinate: 40.0421300, -99.7300100

15. Lennemann Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1757800, -99.4988700

16. Goode Cemetery
Long Island, Phillips County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9189770, -99.4596150

17. Farmingdale Cemetery
Norton County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9019012, -99.6271973

18. Carter Cemetery
Orleans, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.2058000, -99.5143500

19. Union Cemetery
Beaver City, Furnas County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1469002, -99.7247009

20. Saint Joseph Catholic Cemetery
Alma, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1091156, -99.3494151

21. Alma Cemetery
Alma, Harlan County, USA
Coordinate: 40.1094322, -99.3493881

22. Carlson Cemetery
Almena, Norton County, USA
Coordinate: 39.9291992, -99.7200012

23. Luctor Cemetery
Prairie View, Phillips County, USA
Coordinate: 39.8581009, -99.5430984

24. Mount Hope Cemetery
Almena, Norton County, USA
Coordinate: 39.8849400, -99.7402700