Home > United States of America > Alabama > Winston County > Houston Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Winston County, USA
Coordinate : 34.1428870, -87.2587060

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Houston Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery?

    Houston Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery is located at Winston County ,Alabama ,USA.

  • Houston Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Houston Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 34.1428870
    Longitude: -87.2587060


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Houston Baptist Church Cemetery
Houston, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1449610, -87.2575790

2. Houston Congregational Church Cemetery
Houston, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1447710, -87.2564810

3. Burdick Family Cemetery
Houston, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1356760, -87.2601150

4. Houston Church of God Cemetery
Houston, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1670650, -87.2607720

5. Williams Chapel Cemetery
Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1693993, -87.2561035

6. Freeman Williams Cemetery
Moreland, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1692040, -87.2712710

7. Old Houston Cemetery
Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1692009, -87.2367020

8. Pleasant Hill Community Church #1 Cemetery
Houston, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1064460, -87.2593660

9. Barnett Chapel Cemetery
Double Springs, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1715370, -87.2985490

10. Dragout-Old Watts Cemetery
Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1895120, -87.2603960

11. Shipman Cemetery
Double Springs, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1530000, -87.3195000

12. Arley Congregational Christian Church Cemetery
Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1189920, -87.1991140

13. Trussell Family Cemetery
Arley, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1081590, -87.2028870

14. Barnett Cemetery Old
Double Springs, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1821820, -87.3128550

15. Cantrell Cemetery
Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.2010580, -87.2417780

16. Pisgah Cemetery
Moreland, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1963810, -87.2930180

17. Suddeth Cemetery
Addison, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1833000, -87.2011032

18. Enon Cemetery
Double Springs, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1377660, -87.3342880

19. Meek Cemetery
Arley, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.0822000, -87.2144000

20. Hadder Cemetery
Addison, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1471140, -87.1731090

21. Kemp Cemetery
Addison, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1749110, -87.1816630

22. Fairview Cemetery
Addison, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.1939020, -87.1926910

23. Arley United Methodist Church Cemetery
Arley, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.0659810, -87.2204910

24. Arley First Baptist Church Cemetery
Arley, Winston County, USA
Coordinate: 34.0633300, -87.2238900