Home > Russia > Volgograd Oblast > Kolb Cemetery
Memorials : 18
Location : Russia
Coordinate : 51.0673889, 44.9687222
Description : The Kolb Cemetery was located outside the village of Kolb. During the Stalinist era, the cemetery was not preserved and was allowed to be overgrown with wild flowers and tall grass, yet the unmarked graves still have the remains in the ground. A traditional Russian Orthodox funeral, during the cemetery's active years, would be a column of mourners that was headed by the pallbearers carrying the bier on their shoulders. The mourners were preceded by a youth, bearing the wooden cross made by the casket maker. Following the burial, the cross was implanted at the mound's head. The last... Read More

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Kolb Cemetery?

    Kolb Cemetery is located at Peskovka [Kolb], Russia Volgograd Oblast ,Russia.

  • Kolb Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    15 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Kolb Cemetery?

    Latitude: 51.0673889
    Longitude: 44.9687222


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