Home > United States of America > Alabama > Chambers County > Milltown > New Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Milltown, Chambers County, USA
Coordinate : 33.0654500, -85.4424100
Description : This cemetery (African American) is located at the intersection of County Road 158 and County Road 155, approximately four miles east of Milltown, with a 911 Address of 7419 Chambers County Road 158, Roanoke, AL 36274. (This area of Chambers County has a Roanoke, AL mailing address.) In part is a history of New Harmony Baptist Church, prepared for the 134th anniversary of the church on November 9, 2014: "New Harmony Baptist Church was established in the year 1880. It sprung from the Canaan Baptist Church, Welch, Alabama. The first deacons to serve were Brothers H. S. Trammell and Austin Patterson.... Read More

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is New Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery?

    New Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery is located at Milltown, Chambers County ,Alabama ,USA.

  • New Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the New Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 33.0654500
    Longitude: -85.4424100


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7. Milltown Cemetery
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8. New Hope Cemetery
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14. Hopewell Baptist Church Cemetery
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18. Peace and Goodwill Baptist Church Cemetery
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19. Abanda Cemetery
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20. Friendship Baptist Church Cemetery
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21. Chapel Hill United Methodist Church Cemetery
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22. Mount Zion Christian Church Cemetery
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23. Mount Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery
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24. Sorrell-Forshee Cemetery
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