Home > United States of America > South Carolina > Richland County > Gadsden > Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 38
Location : Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate : 33.8468000, -80.7367590

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery is located at 1129 Congaree Church Rd Gadsden, Richland County ,South Carolina ,USA.

  • Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    38 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 33.8468000
    Longitude: -80.7367590


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Congaree Baptist Church Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8458700, -80.7309940

2. Willie B. and Willie Mae Garrick Family Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8460900, -80.7561100

3. Red Hill Baptist Church Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8521430, -80.7560990

4. Temple of Faith Bible Way Church Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8493060, -80.7643090

5. W.F. Seay Family Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8382663, -80.7079830

6. Brown Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8231670, -80.7200330

7. Richland Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8440320, -80.7003130

8. Kingsville Community Cemetery
Kingville, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8299930, -80.7053830

9. Mount Olive Baptist Church Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8319931, -80.7038040

10. Non Denomination Church of God
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8696365, -80.7672538

11. Saint Mark Baptist Church Cemetery
Gadsden, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8301750, -80.7763080

12. Mount Nebo Baptist Church Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8348350, -80.6806110

13. Good Shepherd Funeral Home Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8765260, -80.6908460

14. Zion Episcopal Church Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8784120, -80.6887730

15. Eason Memorial Baptist Church Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8827880, -80.6879170

16. Mount Zion Baptist Church Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8857610, -80.6842660

17. Apostolic Doctrine Evangelistic Church Cemetery
Hopkins, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8709050, -80.8025120

18. House Family Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8984400, -80.6988100

19. Saint Matthews Baptist Church Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9045390, -80.7748290

20. Church of God CampSite
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8227790, -80.6613420

21. Mount Moriah Baptist Church Cemetery
Hopkins, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8446700, -80.8182200

22. Saint Matthews Baptist Church Cemetery Old
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9132160, -80.7554650

23. Saint Phillip A.M.E. Church Cemetery
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.8493790, -80.6503480

24. Saint Thomas' Protestant Episcopal Church
Eastover, Richland County, USA
Coordinate: 33.9034900, -80.6770200