Home > Canada > Nova Scotia > Digby County > Saint-Alphonse > Saint-Alphonse Cemetery
Memorials : 36
Location : Saint-Alphonse, Digby County, Canada
Description : St. Alphonse du Liguori - The church was built in 1922. Several years later, a replica of the Notre Dame de Lourdes grotto was built in the church. The church is located at the crest of a hill along Highway/Route 1 and the cemetery is located directly behind the church. Augustin Guedry, and his wife, Marie Jonson, founded Cheticamp, what is today the community of Saint-Alphonse, in 1787. Augustin was the only Guedry to avoid deportation of the Acadians, between 1955 and 1763. He lived amongst the Mi'kmaq and emerged from in 1763 and settled at Hobb's Hill near Gilbert's Cove... Read More

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Saint-Alphonse Cemetery?

    Saint-Alphonse Cemetery is located at Saint-Alphonse, Digby County, Canada.

  • Saint-Alphonse Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials


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10. Central Haven Baptist Cemetery
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11. Centreville Cemetery
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15. St. Mary’s New Roman Catholic Parish Cemetery
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17. Cimetière de Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel
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19. St. Jean de Baptiste Church Cemetery
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21. Union Cemetery of Culloden
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22. Baptist Church Cemetery
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23. Digby Baptist Cemetery
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