Home > United States of America > Idaho > Latah County > Genesee > Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery
Memorials : 3
Location : Genesee, Latah County, USA
Coordinate : 46.5538406, -116.9432297

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery?

    Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery is located at Genesee, Latah County ,Idaho ,USA.

  • Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    3 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery?

    Latitude: 46.5538406
    Longitude: -116.9432297


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Saint Mary Catholic Cemetery
Genesee, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5537910, -116.9445038

2. Genesee City Cemetery
Genesee, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5453110, -116.9073334

3. Genesee Valley Lutheran Cemetery
Genesee, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.6077000, -116.9240000

4. Thorn Creek Cemetery
Moscow, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.6144000, -117.0009000

5. Uniontown Community Cemetery
Uniontown, Whitman County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5391502, -117.0805511

6. Saint Boniface Catholic Cemetery
Uniontown, Whitman County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5386391, -117.0805435

7. Blaine Road Cemetery
Moscow, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.6584928, -116.9473700

8. Overacker Cemetery
Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5999985, -116.8043976

9. Maggie Williams Cemetery
Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5360000, -116.7885500

10. Cordelia Lutheran Churchyard
Joel, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.6598000, -116.8971000

11. Bertha Newby Gravesite
Lewiston, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4455900, -116.9804900

12. Yellow Rose Cemetery
Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.6160900, -116.7937700

13. Coyote Grade Cemetery
Lewiston, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4473200, -116.8479000

14. Saint Gall Cemetery
Colton, Whitman County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5763900, -117.1258300

15. Fix Ridge Cemetery
Juliaetta, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5786018, -116.7592010

16. Colton City Cemetery
Colton, Whitman County, USA
Coordinate: 46.5659400, -117.1340800

17. Bredell Family Cemetery
Spalding, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4474000, -116.8247000

18. Old Spaulding Cemetery
Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4471700, -116.8207400

19. Broncheau Family Cemetery
Spalding, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4470700, -116.8206500

20. J M Silcott Gravesite
Lewiston, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4296280, -117.0259340

21. Lapwai Mission Cemetery
Spalding, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4495000, -116.8150000

22. Buchanan Cemetery
Moscow, Latah County, USA
Coordinate: 46.6848400, -116.8796400

23. Williams Family Cemetery
Arrow, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4936000, -116.7595270

24. Arrow Cemetery
Arrow, Nez Perce County, USA
Coordinate: 46.4750000, -116.7707000