Home > United States of America > Nebraska > Douglas County > Omaha > Saint Mary Magdalene Cemetery
Memorials : 335
Location : Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Phone : (402) 391-3711‎
Website : catholiccem.com/cemeteries/stmarymagdalene/
Coordinate : 41.2039420, -95.9850610

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Saint Mary Magdalene Cemetery?

    Saint Mary Magdalene Cemetery is located at 5226 S 46th S Omaha, Douglas County ,Nebraska , 68117USA.

  • Saint Mary Magdalene Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    322 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Saint Mary Magdalene Cemetery?

    Latitude: 41.2039420
    Longitude: -95.9850610


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Graceland Park Cemetery
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Coordinate: 41.2113991, -95.9785995

2. Saint Mary's Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2042007, -95.9646988

3. Saint Johns Cemetery
Bellevue, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1864014, -95.9682999

4. Fisher Farm Cemetery
Bellevue, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1727982, -95.9760971

5. Hrabik Cemetery
Bellevue, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1726540, -95.9768200

6. Westlawn-Hillcrest Memorial Park
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2346992, -95.9966965

7. Laurel Hill Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1918983, -95.9417038

8. Bohemian Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2388992, -95.9955978

9. Douglas County Poor Farm Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2437240, -95.9723480

10. Beth El Cemetery
Ralston, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2117004, -96.0428009

11. Ak-Sar-Ben Racetrack Grounds
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2414703, -96.0159607

12. Calvary Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2364006, -96.0294037

13. Resurrection Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2344208, -96.0365448

14. Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2543983, -95.9875031

15. Papillion Cemetery
Papillion, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1758003, -96.0410995

16. Evergreen Memorial Park Cemetery
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2393990, -96.0355988

17. First Central Congregational Columbarium
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2563456, -95.9658365

18. Saint Andrews Episcopal Church Columbarium
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2492500, -96.0427500

19. Nash Chapel Crypt
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2665090, -95.9721790

20. Immanuel Lutheran Church Columbarium
Bellevue, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1602700, -95.9218900

21. Countryside Community Church Columbarium
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2483660, -96.0500270

22. Trinity Cathedral Columbarium
Omaha, Douglas County, USA
Coordinate: 41.2603900, -95.9393660

23. Cedar Dale Cemetery
Papillion, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1418304, -96.0338745

24. Church of the Holy Spirit Columbarium
Bellevue, Sarpy County, USA
Coordinate: 41.1475000, -95.9244000