Home > United States of America > North Carolina > Catawba County > Newton > Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 1
Location : Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate : 35.6153660, -81.3489830

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery?

    Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery is located at 2613 Wesley Chapel Rd Newton, Catawba County ,North Carolina , 28658USA.

  • Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    1 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 35.6153660
    Longitude: -81.3489830


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Leatherman Family Cemetery
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Coordinate: 35.6238300, -81.3432200

2. Plateau United Methodist Church Cemetery
Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5929980, -81.3559960

3. Rhoneys Chapel Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6197014, -81.3208008

4. Mountain View Mennonite Church Cemetery
Hickory, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6418730, -81.3562090

5. Grace Lutheran Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5994000, -81.3173300

6. Sardis Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery
Propst Crossroads, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6178250, -81.3870430

7. Old Thessalonica Baptist Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5881660, -81.3262860

8. New Hope Baptist Church
Plateau, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5840200, -81.3620300

9. Conrad Yoder Family Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6416150, -81.3233930

10. Michael Weidner Cemetery
Hickory, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6376051, -81.3179200

11. United Mission Holiness Church Cemetery
Plateau, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5819060, -81.3618770

12. Macedonia Pentecostal Holiness Church Cemetery
Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5790780, -81.3333670

13. Shuford Family Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6173660, -81.2942110

14. Fairview Baptist Church Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5890400, -81.2978900

15. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery
Hickory, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6686287, -81.3365936

16. Bethel United Church Of Christ Cemetery
Brookford, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6718830, -81.3412930

17. Bakers Mountain AME Zion Church Cemetery
Hickory, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6666430, -81.3874190

18. Michael Speagle Descendants Cemetery
Hickory, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6002470, -81.4213140

19. Wilson-Robinson Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6102600, -81.2724680

20. Weidner-Robinson Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6684550, -81.3036520

21. Free Holiness Church of Vale Cemetery
Vale, Lincoln County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5508400, -81.3636100

22. Crowell Memorial U.M.C. Cemetery
Lincolnton, Lincoln County, USA
Coordinate: 35.5572040, -81.3072170

23. Mountain Grove Church Cemetery
Hickory, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6717720, -81.3960050

24. Coulters Grove AME Zion Church Cemetery
Newton, Catawba County, USA
Coordinate: 35.6285370, -81.2659660