Birth : 19 Sep 1894
Death : 7 Jan 1990
Burial : Saint John Catholic Cemetery, Davison, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate : 43.0647011, -83.4991989

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Edith Wells Bauer's memorial?

    Edith Wells Bauer's memorial is located at: Saint John Catholic Cemetery, Davison, Genesee County, USA.

  • When did Edith Wells Bauer death?

    Edith Wells Bauer death on 7 Jan 1990 in

  • Where are the coordinates of the Edith Wells Bauer's memorial?

    Latitude: 43.0647011
    Longitude: -83.4991989

Family Members:



George T Wells

(1860 - 1915)


Jane Sickmiller Wells

(1871 - 1898)



Fred Bauer

(1891 - 1969)



Nearby Cemetories:

1. Saint John Catholic Cemetery
Davison, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0647011, -83.4991989

2. Eastwood Colonial Memorial Gardens
Davison, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0518990, -83.5177994

3. Davison Cemetery
Davison, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0483017, -83.5139008

4. Richfield Union Cemetery
Davison, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0699997, -83.5591965

5. Flint River Cemetery
Richfield Center, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1116982, -83.4800034

6. Bird Cemetery
Elba, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0452680, -83.4305080

7. Cottage Cemetery
Richfield Center, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1206017, -83.5488968

8. Maple Grove Cemetery
Elba, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0122300, -83.4394830

9. Dawn Memorial Cemetery
Elba Township, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0104210, -83.4397140

10. Lamoreaux Cemetery
Elba, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0486900, -83.4023700

11. Oregon Township Cemetery
Columbiaville, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1124820, -83.4242530

12. Tanner Cemetery
Genesee, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0838290, -83.5969230

13. Bentley Cemetery
Oregon Township, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0630989, -83.3855972

14. Pine Grove Cemetery
Davison, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 42.9743996, -83.5121994

15. Smith Hill Cemetery
Otisville, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1547012, -83.5218964

16. Assyrian Cemetery
Flint, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0578003, -83.6521988

17. Machpelah Cemetery
Flint, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0569000, -83.6521988

18. Upton Cemetery
Genesee, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1202600, -83.6333300

19. Wager Farm Cemetery
Mount Morris, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1242340, -83.6349200

20. Lovedale Memorial Cemetery
Burton, Genesee County, USA
Coordinate: 42.9768982, -83.6061020

21. Lapeer County Farm Cemetery
Elba, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0438890, -83.3402780

22. Meadowlawn Cemetery
Columbiaville, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.1619300, -83.4026890

23. Lapeer County Poor Farm Cemetery
Lapeer, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 43.0692750, -83.3338590

24. Greenwood Cemetery
Hadley, Lapeer County, USA
Coordinate: 42.9550018, -83.4272003