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Patriot of 1776. Revolutionary War Veteran. According to the Will of his daughter CASSANDRA FARROW, She had a wall built around the cemetery. And lists the following being buried there: Her father LANDON FARROW, Her mother RACHEL WALKER FARROW, LANDON FARROW's mother ROSANNAH FARROW wife of JOHN THOMAS FARROW, her two brothers, WATERS and LANDON W. FARROW. WATERS FARROW's wife CASSANDRA "CASSY" CHEEK FARROW. Also listed are B. E. FARROW, S. W. FARROW, S. M. FARROW, sons of THOMAS F. FARROW AND S. W. FARROW.
Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements Pension application of Landon Farrow W21088 Rachel fn95SC Transcribed by Will Graves...
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Patriot of 1776. Revolutionary War Veteran. According to the Will of his daughter CASSANDRA FARROW, She had a wall built around the cemetery. And lists the following being buried there: Her father LANDON FARROW, Her mother RACHEL WALKER FARROW, LANDON FARROW's mother ROSANNAH FARROW wife of JOHN THOMAS FARROW, her two brothers, WATERS and LANDON W. FARROW. WATERS FARROW's wife CASSANDRA "CASSY" CHEEK FARROW. Also listed are B. E. FARROW, S. W. FARROW, S. M. FARROW, sons of THOMAS F. FARROW AND S. W. FARROW.
Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements Pension application of Landon Farrow W21088 Rachel fn95SC Transcribed by Will Graves 1/12/09 [Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original.] State of South Carolina Spartanburg District On this 19th day of December in the year while Lord 1845 personally appeared before the Subscriber Judge of the Court of Ordinary for said District which is a Court of record Samuel Farrow Administrator of Rachel Ferrell deceased a resident of the District & State aforesaid, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following Declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July 4th, 1836, that the said Rachel Farrow was the widow of Landon Farrow who was a Soldier in the Army of the Revolution, that this deponent has no documentary proof of the service of the said Landon Farrow, that for proof of his services he relies upon the affidavits hereunto annexed. That he has been informed & believes that the said Landon Farrow entered into the Service of his country shortly after the commencement of the Revolutionary Struggle & continued in the Service during the war, that he was an efficient soldier of the Revolution, and served under Colonel Benjamin Roebuck & Colonel Brandon this deponent is informed & believes that his services were principally in South Carolina & that he was in the Battles of the Cowpens & Eutaw Springs. He further declares that the said Rachel Farrow was married to the said Landon Farrow in January 1782 by the Reverend Hezekiah Walker this deponent has no record of the marriage but the family Record which is attached to and forms a part of this Declaration, that the entire record except the "& L. F. Deceased on Saturday May 18th 1799: Landon Farrow Junior deceased June 5th day 1801 and Landon Waters was born 7th day of May 1799" is in the handwriting of the said Landon Farrow, that said record was in the possession of the said Rachel Farrow from the death of the said Landon Farrow up to her death & since her death has been in the possession of this deponent, that it is [indecipherable word] & has always been so regarded by the family that the said Landon Farrow died on the 12th day of May 1799 & that the said Rachel Farrow survived the said Landon Farrow and died on the 27th day of April 1842, that the said Rachel Farrow remained the widow of the said Landon Farrow from his death up to her death & that the said Landon & Rachel Farrow were married before the expiration of the last period of his service. This deponent being informed & believes that the said Landon Farrow continued in the service of his Country up to 1783. This deponent further states that the said Rachel Farrow left surviving her the following children viz. this deponent, Sarah Waters, Chaney Farrow, Rachel Harmoning [?], Selah Ducker, William H. Farrow, Cassandra Farrow & Waters Farrow, that since the death of the said Rachel Farrow the said Rachel Harmoning and Waters Farrow have died leaving children -- the foregoing are all the heirs at law of the said Rachel Farrow the said Landon Farrow the younger having died in infancy. Sworn to & subscribed before me in open Court the day & year above written. S/ R. Bowden, Judge S/ Samuel Farrow, Administrator of Rachel Farrow State of Mississippi Marshall County I John Neal an acting Justice of the peace in and for the State and County aforesaid have caused Colonel William Farrow to be brought before me and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith, that he is a Brother of Landon Farrow and that he fought in behalf of the United States and further states that he knows that he was in the service after marrying he thinks 12 months or more that he the said Colonel William Farrow lived in about half a mile of the station where Landon Farrow and his wife lived he further states that he frequently stayed with said Landon Farrow's wife when he Landon Farrow was in the service that he frequently saw said Landon Farrow in the scouting parties he further states he Colonel William Farrow went at one time and informed his Brothers when at the above stated station that the Tories was coming that he the said Colonel William Farrow saw them surrounding the said station and heard the guns firing until midnight or more that he the said Colonel William Farrow laid the same night in an old field by himself in hearing of the station the said Colonel William Farrow further states that his Brother Thomas Farrow1 Before me Personally appeared Mordecai Chandler was wounded the next Day he the said Colonel William Farrow states by the same Tories that had surrounded the said station he Colonel William Farrow further states the above transaction was in the State of South Carolina Spartanburg District that said Colonel William Farrow was then about 11 years old according to family records, there are many other circumstances that I could relate if necessary. S/ William Farrow [fn p. 36] State of South Carolina Union District 2 [On May 1, 1849, Col. William Farrow gives another affidavit in Marshall County, Mississippi, substantially restating his testimony but changing his description of the Tories' attack as follows: "Colonel William Farrow further states that he went at one time and informed Landon Farrow when at the above stated station that the Tories were coming and that he William Farrow saw the Tories surround the House of Landon Farrow where the Station was kept, which was, about the time the sun was going down, and that he heard the guns firing at the station until midnight or who being duly sworn according to law on his oath saith that he is aged about 85 years, that he was a soldier of the Revolutionary war and that he is now one of the Revolutionary pensioners. That he became acquainted with Landon Farrow on the day of Brandon's defeat in Union District under the command of Colonel Thomas and Major Smith and Captain Roebuck. The Deponent further states that he knew nothing more of Landon Farrow until he was confined in prison in Ninety Six Jail and remaining there some time the said Landon Farrow was brought in and put in prison with him. After remaining there some length of time they were taken from there to Charleston together and confined in a prison ship until they were exchanged for, and they parted and he knew nothing more of the said Farrow as a soldier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 2nd day of January 1846. Attest: S/ H. W. Ducker S/ Mordecai Chandler, X his mark [fn p. 38] 1 This MAY be a reference to Thomas Farrow S17946. Thomas Farrow and his brother John Farrow S21193 both refer in their respective applications to Thomas Farrow having been wounded in an action with the Tories in April 1782 and it is perhaps this action to with William Farrow is referring above. 2 Mordecai Chandler R1848 later and that he lay all night in an old field not far from the station this deponent also states that Rachel Farrow wife of Landon Farrow was guarded on the same night by the Tories so as to keep her from giving information so as to get a reinforcement this deponent states that Thomas Farrow was the only officer at the Station on that night he being a Lieutenant and that Thomas Farrow was wounded on the next day by the same Tories as he believes which surrounded the House or Station the night previous this deponent states that Rebecca Farrow wife of Thomas Farrow went to a man named Blalock to get him to go and give information so as to get reinforcement and he Blalock refused and on the next morning Samuel Farrow used Blalock very roughly and on the same day the Scouting party gave the neighborhood a severe courging [?] for not coming to their assistance the night previous one of which they chopped was Moses Casey this deponent states that the occurrence took place in South Carolina Spartanburg District at which time he was 11 years of age and that he is a Brother of the above named Landon, Thomas and Samuel Farrow." [fn p. 43, On January 27, 1854, Roseannah Huff, 84, of Union District, SC, testified that she knew Rachel Farrow well; that her (Mrs. Huff's) "father's, John Head's residence in Spartanburg in sight of Musgrove's Mills where her father lived in time of the Revolution and where he was often robed by the British and Tories who lay at Musgrove's Mills in consequence of which he in the winter of 1781 left Enoree [River] and went to the State of North Carolina near the Catawba River and carried his own Negroes and those of Colonel Waters with him to prevent them from falling into the hands of the Enemy and that the said Landon Farrow and his Brother Samuel went with them as a guard until they crossed Broad River where they returned and Landon Farrow and she understood shortly after married Rachel Walker of the same neighborhood and brought her up to Deponent's father's and left her in the same neighborhood and got Deponent Tuesday with his wife Rachel and he returned to South Carolina...."] [fn p. 44] Aaron Starns3 a resident Citizen of said District [Union District] aged 96 years past on oath says he was born and raised within 1 mile and a half of where Landon Farrow and Rachel his [wife] lived and died in Spartanburg District South Carolina whose heirs are now applicants for a pension and was intimately acquainted with the above named parties from the time of their marriage to the time of their death and had known them both from his first recollection and well recollects that they were married in time of the war he thinks not long after the battle at Musgrove's Mills although he cannot recollect the date of their marriage but was often at the house of Landon Farrow after his marriage in time of the war and stayed with his wife Rachel when the said Landon was in service deponent was not with Landon Farrow in any service only the Battle at Musgrove's Mills 3 No one by this name filed for a federal pension for services in the Revolution, but this affiant clearly states that he was a participant in the Battle of Musgrove's Mill. but saw him going and returning from service and knows from his own personal knowledge and reputation that he continued in service until the close of the war and was one of the best soldiers he ever knew and that they had one child before peace was made and was part of the time in Captain Thomas Farrow's Company he thinks in Colonel Roebuck's Regiment and cannot say what [indecipherable word] he held. Sworn and subscribed this the 28th day of January A.D. 1854 S/ Alen Huff, S/ H. W. Ducker, N.P. S/ Aaron Starns [fn p. 45] Major William Miles a highly credible citizen of Spartanburg District aged 60 years past on oath says that he was personally and intimately acquainted with Landon Farrow and his wife Rachel Late of Spartanburg District since his first recollection whose heirs are now applicants for a Pension and is a nephew of the said Landon Farrow and was raised some 4 miles distant from and often in their Family and has often heard her the said Rachel speak of her suffering and privations during the war after her said marriage that he distinctly recollects one occurrence narrated that it was as follows that on one occasion Landon Farrow and a number [of] Whigs were suppressed by a party of Tories at his own house and that Mr. Walker his Brother-in-law rode up and told them that the Tories were coming but before they could escape the house was surrounded and they barricaded the doors and prepared to defend themselves and killed one of the assailants. The Tories attempted to burn the house and finally agreed that they would leave if the Whigs would give them some ammunition and arms which being overpowered they agreed to do one of the arms[?] agreed was a pistol and Landon Farrow offered to hand it out in a crack in the house which the Tories refused to take unless handed brich [?] foremost which Farrow was unwilling to do and finally the parties agreed that Rachel the wife of Landon above named carried out and delivered the pistol and the Tories left these statements he has often heard from Captain Thomas Farrow and others of the party as well as said Rachel and that there is no fact better known or more fully believed by the old Settlers of Rachel Farrow the's vicinity then the services of Landon Farrow after his marriage to the said Rachel generally until after the close of the War which opinion is general and has never been doubted and that the deponent is disinterested and further say that Landon Farrow and his brother Captain Thomas Farrow, Samuel Farrow and John Farrow were the last man who left the service of the Country and that Landon was the Younger of the 4 brothers and always understood that he was an officer but has never understood what rank he held. S/ William H. Miles Sworn to and Subscribed before me the 28th day of January A.D. 1854. S/ H. W. Ducker, JP [fn p. 46, Capt. Landon Miles, son of the sister of Landon Farrow, also gave a supporting affidavit.] [fp. 47] State of South Carolina Spartanburg District Personally appeared before me William Hollins4 4 & makes oath that he was acquainted with Landon Farrow during the War of the Revolution that during the War the said Landon Farrow married Rachel Walker this deponent cannot state the time of the marriage of the said Farrow, but he distinctly recollects seeing him in the service after he was a married man, This deponent towards the close of the war was stationed at Seneca's Station in the old Pendleton District South Carolina under the command of Captain Benjamin Tutt, that while at said Station he frequently saw Landon Farrow who served under cap major Benjamin Roebuck in the Service in pursuit of the Indians and Tories, That he knew their row intimately, those he served after he was married -- this deponent is a Revolutionary Pensioner and drawls a pension of $80 per annum. Sworn to before me September 23, 1846 S/ H. Hicks, Mag. S/ William Holliams, X his mark William Hollems (Hollins) W27864 [fn p. 58] State of South Carolina Union District Before me Personally appeared Major Joseph McJunkin5 5 who being duly sworn according to law on his oath, saith that he is aged about 91 years that he was a Soldier of the Revolutionary War and that he is now one of the Revolutionary Pensioners. That he became acquainted with Landon Farrow about the year 1775 and was still acquainted until the year 1781. Then he being paroled left him confined in Ninety Six prison, and that he knew him as one of Colonel Roebuck's Soldiers (Colonel Roebuck came into office after Colonel Thomas). The Deponent further states that he knows that the said Farrow was a true friend of his Country during the Revolutionary War, and he thinks that the said Farrow was taken a Prisoner to Charleston and there confined on a prison ship until exchanged. Sworn to and subscribed before me the 2nd day of January 1846 S/ G. Steen, Mag. S/ Joseph McJunkin Joseph McJunkin S18118
Landon Farrow's will signed 02 April 1798 was proved 28 October 1800. On filed in Box 11, pkg. 8, spartanburg County SC. His wife, Rachael, and his brother, William, served as Executors. His will is witnessed by James Clayton; husband of his sister Mary.