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James Craiglow is the son of David Craiglow, Jr. and Adaline M. "Adele" Vagnier. James' middle name is most likely in honor of his maternal grandfather, Bernard Vagnier.
Per the 1870 U.S. Census, James Craiglow resided in Hocking Township, Fairfield County, Ohio. Listed are: -Daniel* Craiglow, age 35, born Ohio -Adaline Craiglow, age 33, born Ohio -Mary Craiglow, age 14, born Ohio -James Craiglow, age 12, born Ohio -Sebastian* Craiglow, age 11, born Ohio -Madeline Craiglow, age 9, born Ohio -Catherine Craiglow, age 7, born Ohio -Adaline Craiglow, age 5, born Ohio -Josephine Craiglow, age 3, born Ohio
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James Craiglow is the son of David Craiglow, Jr. and Adaline M. "Adele" Vagnier. James' middle name is most likely in honor of his maternal grandfather, Bernard Vagnier.
Per the 1870 U.S. Census, James Craiglow resided in Hocking Township, Fairfield County, Ohio. Listed are: -Daniel* Craiglow, age 35, born Ohio -Adaline Craiglow, age 33, born Ohio -Mary Craiglow, age 14, born Ohio -James Craiglow, age 12, born Ohio -Sebastian* Craiglow, age 11, born Ohio -Madeline Craiglow, age 9, born Ohio -Catherine Craiglow, age 7, born Ohio -Adaline Craiglow, age 5, born Ohio -Josephine Craiglow, age 3, born Ohio -Susan Craiglow, age 2, born Ohio -John Craiglow, age 1, born Ohio
* NOTE: Daniel should be David; "Sebastian" should have been recorded as Selestian and as a Female.
Per the 1910 U.S. Census, James resided in Hocking Township, Fairfield County, Ohio on Craiglow Road. He is living with his single siblings, John and Josephine. James is listed as 52 years old, single, and born in Ohio.
OHIO Death Certificate: 21578, Volume 1050 -Name: James Craiglow -Gender: Male -Death Date: 7 Apr 1913 -County of Death: Fairfield |