Birth | : | 26 Nov 1890 |
Death | : | 14 Mar 1966 |
Burial | : | Hettinger Cemetery, Hettinger, Adams County, USA |
Coordinate | : | 46.0018997, -102.6232986 |
frequently asked questions (FAQ):
Where is Lavina Butterfield Miller's memorial?
Lavina Butterfield Miller's memorial is located at: Hettinger Cemetery, Hettinger, Adams County, USA.
When did Lavina Butterfield Miller death?
Lavina Butterfield Miller death on 14 Mar 1966 in
Where are the coordinates of the Lavina Butterfield Miller's memorial?
Latitude: 46.0018997
Longitude: -102.6232986
Family Members:
Nearby Cemetories:
1. Hettinger Cemetery
Hettinger, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.0018997, -102.6232986
2. Haynes Cemetery
Haynes, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 45.9728012, -102.4955978
3. Immanuel Norwegian Lutheran
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.1085900, -102.6843900
4. Bucyrus Cemetery
Bucyrus, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.0544014, -102.7882996
5. Highland Prairie Cemetery
Bucyrus, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.1188800, -102.7094300
6. Saint Peters Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.1055984, -102.4653015
7. North Grand Cemetery
Bucyrus, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 45.9596900, -102.8398700
8. Ellingson Zion Cemetery
Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.8713989, -102.8375015
9. Lodgepole Cemetery
Lodgepole, Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.8047400, -102.6678140
10. Petrel Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 45.9455986, -102.3088989
11. Wolf Butte Lutheran Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.1979100, -102.7882300
12. Richland Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.2350273, -102.6325378
13. Cedar Valley Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.1183014, -102.3313980
14. Rose Hill Cemetery
Reeder, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.0966988, -102.9344025
15. Bethany Cemetery
Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.8046989, -102.8199997
16. Duck Creek Lutheran Cemetery
Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.7756780, -102.7772550
17. Golden Valley Cemetery
Ralph, Harding County, USA
Coordinate: 45.8849900, -102.9432250
18. Mamre Lutheran Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 45.9719460, -102.9947560
19. North Lemmon Cemetery
Petrel, Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 45.9959900, -102.2458800
20. Holland Center Cemetery
Lodgepole, Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.7347000, -102.7246400
21. Fredlund Cemetery
Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.7188988, -102.6585999
22. Saint Johns Lutheran Cemetery
Harding County, USA
Coordinate: 45.8932940, -103.0152370
23. Long Butte Cemetery
Adams County, USA
Coordinate: 46.1618996, -102.2677994
24. Scholaas Cemetery
Shadehill, Perkins County, USA
Coordinate: 45.7984600, -102.3116100