Memorials : 0
Location : Øvre Eiker kommune, Norway
Coordinate : 59.8359000, 9.8726000
Description : Bakke Kirke Ovre Eiker, Buskerud, Norway Decimal coordinates: 59.8359 9.8726

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Bakke Kirke?

    Bakke Kirke is located at Øvre Eiker kommune ,Buskerud fylke ,Norway.

  • Bakke Kirke cemetery's updated grave count on

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Bakke Kirke?

    Latitude: 59.8359000
    Longitude: 9.8726000


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Haug Kirke
Hokksund, Øvre Eiker kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7649980, 9.9046820

2. Nedre Eiker Churchyard
Krokstadelva, Nedre Eiker kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7573380, 10.0363650

3. Heggen Kirkegaard
Modum kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.9408250, 10.0006690

4. Fiskum Church Cemetery
Øvre Eiker kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.6989035, 9.8100539

5. Åssiden Cemetery
Drammen, Drammen kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7591686, 10.1154243

6. Sjåstad
Lier kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.8499235, 10.2138581

7. Frogner Cemetery
Lierbyen, Lier kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7791730, 10.2240060

8. Bragernes Cemetery
Drammen, Drammen kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7481560, 10.2016710

9. Lyngdal Kirke
Lyngdal, Flesberg kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.9105467, 9.5291613

10. Snarum
Snarum, Modum kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 60.0258190, 9.8682140

11. Strømsø Gravplass
Stromso, Drammen kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7355911, 10.2072084

12. Kongsberg Kirke Gravlund
Kongsberg, Kongsberg kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.6656756, 9.6469139

13. Sylling Churchyard
Sylling, Lier kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.8987580, 10.2806720

14. Kirkegaarden ved Naeringsparken
Kongsberg, Kongsberg kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.6520680, 9.6457200

15. Tangen Cemetery
Tangen, Drammen kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7257300, 10.2484600

16. Kongsberg Gomsrud Gravlund
Kongsberg, Kongsberg kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.6410080, 9.6566630

17. Ahrensburg Friedhof
Grosshansdorf, Kreis Stormarn, Germany
Coordinate: 59.6641940, 10.2149440

18. Eidsfoss Church Cemetery
Eidsfoss, Hof kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.5919200, 10.0453700

19. Røyken Kirkegaard
Royken, Røyken kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7467160, 10.3850690

20. Tyristrand Cemetery
Tyristrand, Ringerike kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 60.0860800, 10.0974900

21. Asker Church
Asker, Asker kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.8434020, 10.4358860

22. Efteløt Parish Churchyard
Kongsberg, Kongsberg kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.5504874, 9.8097957

23. Sande In Vestfold Cemetery
Sande, Sande kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.5888037, 10.2082535

24. Slemmestad Kirkegaard
Slemmestad, Røyken kommune, Norway
Coordinate: 59.7680240, 10.4724700