Home > United States of America > Alabama > Washington County > Leroy > Pine Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery
Memorials : 0
Location : Leroy, Washington County, USA
Coordinate : 31.4911003, -87.9649963

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Pine Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery?

    Pine Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery is located at Leroy, Washington County ,Alabama ,USA.

  • Pine Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery cemetery's updated grave count on graveviews.com?

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Pine Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery?

    Latitude: 31.4911003
    Longitude: -87.9649963


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. First Baptist Church of Leroy New Cemetery
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2. First Baptist Church of Leroy Cemetery
Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5044003, -87.9788971

3. Friendship Baptist Cemetery
Leroy, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4762520, -87.9484192

4. Bowling Family Cemetery
Leroy, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5035790, -87.9844400

5. Gaines Cemetery
Leroy, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4773915, -88.0026166

6. Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church Cemetery
Prestwick, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4537140, -87.9700700

7. Woodyard Cemetery
Leroy, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5132520, -88.0022800

8. AOH Church of God Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5000130, -87.9013700

9. Pine Crest Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5060997, -87.9000015

10. McKenzie Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5249996, -87.9088974

11. Vernal Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4734760, -87.8900100

12. Stave Creek Baptist Church Cemetery
Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5530610, -87.9348250

13. Woodlawn Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5095540, -87.8822160

14. Forman Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5088997, -87.8816986

15. Cortelyou Cemetery
Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4239006, -88.0053024

16. Lewis Grove Cemetery
Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4216995, -88.0064011

17. Mount Zion Cemetery
Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5628270, -87.9287980

18. McDonald & Stringer Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5281900, -87.8805800

19. Old Saint Stephens Cemetery
Saint Stephens, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5506001, -88.0372009

20. Bell Parker Cemetery
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5429600, -87.8829590

21. Inspirational Tabernacle Independent Church Cemete
Jackson, Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5346990, -87.8755190

22. Saint Stephens Baptist Church Cemetery
Saint Stephens, Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5386990, -88.0527460

23. Crawford Cemetery
Washington County, USA
Coordinate: 31.5538998, -88.0393982

24. Brown Cemetery
Clarke County, USA
Coordinate: 31.4146996, -87.9052963