Memorials : 0
Location : Bimmen, Kreis Kleve, Germany
Coordinate : 51.8588737, 6.0695000

frequently asked questions (FAQ):

  • Where is Friedhof Bimmen?

    Friedhof Bimmen is located at Am Haus Bimmen 11 Bimmen, Kreis Kleve ,Nordrhein-Westfalen , 47533Germany.

  • Friedhof Bimmen cemetery's updated grave count on

    0 memorials

  • Where are the coordinates of the Friedhof Bimmen?

    Latitude: 51.8588737
    Longitude: 6.0695000


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Nearby Cemetories:

1. Tolkamer General Cemetery
Tolkamer, Rijnwaarden Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8610900, 6.0814200

2. Herwen Roman Catholic Churchyard
Herwen, Rijnwaarden Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8844900, 6.1035900

3. Saint Bonifacius
Niel, Kreis Kleve, Germany
Coordinate: 51.8261350, 6.0182900

4. Friedhof Nütterden
Kranenburg, Kreis Kleve, Germany
Coordinate: 51.7904340, 6.0629380

5. Zevenaar Roman Catholic Cemetery
Zevenaar, Zevenaar Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9289700, 6.0732300

6. Friedhof Griethausen
Sinstorf, Harburg, Germany
Coordinate: 51.8213100, 6.1664800

7. Joodse Begraafplaats Arnhemseweg
Zevenaar Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9308280, 6.0700100

8. Joodse Begraafplaats
Zevenaar Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9310110, 6.0825120

9. Didam Protestant Cemetery
Didam, Montferland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9360100, 6.1345300

10. Beek Roman Catholic Churchyard
Beek, Montferland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9078300, 6.1895100

11. Algemene Begraafplaats 't Heijlige Lant
Duiven, Duiven Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9452663, 6.0353131

12. Roman Catholic Cemetery
Duiven, Duiven Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9495185, 6.0238638

13. Groesbeek Canadian War Cemetery and Memorial
Groesbeek, Berg en Dal Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.7982900, 5.9321900

14. Begraafplaats Het Witte Kerkje
Ubbergen, Berg en Dal Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8361166, 5.9018954

15. Friedhof Emmerich
Emmerich, Kreis Kleve, Germany
Coordinate: 51.8393300, 6.2479200

16. Jüdischer Friedhof
Emmerich, Kreis Kleve, Germany
Coordinate: 51.8370156, 6.2535498

17. Heilig Landstichting Burial Park
Heilig Landstichting, Berg en Dal Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8173600, 5.8907100

18. Joodse Begraafplaats
Nijmegen, Nijmegen Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8308300, 5.8836000

19. Reichswald Forest War Cemetery
Kleve, Kreis Kleve, Germany
Coordinate: 51.7406464, 6.0824242

20. Rustoord Cemetery
Nijmegen, Nijmegen Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8305100, 5.8808600

21. Zeddam Protestant Cemetery
Zeddam, Montferland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9078900, 6.2566400

22. Algemene Begraafplaats Stenenkruisstraat
Nijmegen, Nijmegen Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.8395021, 5.8679939

23. Kilder Roman Catholic Cemetery
Kilder, Montferland Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9373400, 6.2321900

24. Velp Old Protestant Cemetery
Velp, Rheden Municipality, Netherlands
Coordinate: 51.9927300, 5.9816100